2 Considerations for Building Your Pressbook

When thinking about building your Pressbook there will be several things to consider, we’re open to the use and creation of the material. Below is a list of considerations and questions to ask when building your Pressbook.


Who is creating and/or leading the creation of the material? What perspectives do they bring to the material?

Do you expect this Pressbook to continue to evolve and grow, or see it more as a static material, or even something that might change from time to time, maybe not often. Perhaps you’re considering making new editions down the road of the material and this one will be your starting material, a guide of sorts for future endeavors.

Do you want to involve students? What might their roles be? When is your book finished?


Who is the audience for the material? Defining the audience can be a simple task or something more complex.  As small an audience as your class is perfectly fine, or as large as the internet itself, or other people within the discipline you practice. Think about whom might be engaging with the material or whom you might want the audience to be. This will influence, the build, the sharing structure, and the creation itself. Remember to think about the audience within the context of “Open Pedagogy” as well – this material exists beyond the walls of the Learning Management System and that is an important consideration to make.


Who else in the community might be engaged in or participate in the creation of the material or might the material provide value to?


Pressbooks allows for the integration of digital resources into your material. How might images, audio, video, or interactivity be used in your material, or will they not be? Why or why not? How will you structure your material?


What might make this material or interacting with this material be different than other modes currently engaged with during this time of emergency remote learning i.e. Zoom, Moodle, a website? What might make your material exciting? What excites you in the creation of a new material?




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